Thursday, October 18, 2012

Digital Compositing Secrets Workshop

Upcoming APA-LA Events Photography Workshops

Digital Compositing Secrets with Dennis Dunbar
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 ©Colin McGuire
Digital Compositing Secrets with Dennis Dunbar

The goal when digital retouching is to create an image so seamless that no one notices the magic that happens: the head swap, background switch or the way the lighting of the image has been changed from a cloudy day into a sunny one. Digital altering of an image that doesn’t look retouched is the ultimate challenge and this event is a must-attend for any photographer or retoucher that is looking to up their game.
On Saturday Nov 3rd Dennis Dunbar will share with us many of the techniques he uses to make complex composite images from movie posters to lifestyle and product shots. Along the way you’ll learn techniques, shortcuts and tricks that can be applied to your workflow.
Whether it’s combining many elements or dramatically re-working a single shot, Dennis will show how in many cases the same techniques apply. He’ll cover the various challenges that face those who would tackle such tasks such as: masking, color correction, bending, and matching noise or grain.

Roll up your sleeves for this informative and inspirational workshop!

November 3, 2012
Strauss Studios 6442 SANTA MONICA BLVD.#204
Los Angeles, CA 90038-1513
10-2pm Includes lunch
APA members $30